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About us

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The Place

We are in Nou de la Rambla, near Carrer Blai and the nightlife crossroads of Apolo. Taitu is meant to serve as a presentation Ethiopia as it is and as it shall become. Its most endearing feature are the handcrafted tables, known as Mesobs, which have had quite a journey from the markets of Addis Ababa to Poble Sec, Barcelona.

Far from being a souvenir, a Mesob is the most fundamental element of an Ethiopian home. In Taitu you’ll also find a great selection of photography books that celebrate African heritage. Hopefully our musical choice will do the same, from the now famous Ethio-Jazz to more upbeat tunes from across the continent.


Once upon a time Catalonia and Ethiopia almost became cousins. It was the year 1428 and Alfonso V, King of Aragon and Count of Barcelona, received an embassy from the Ethiopian emperor Yeshaq. Soon, each saw
in the other a chance to further their own goals: the African monarch wanted a European ally to battle his conquests across the Horn of Africa, while Alfonso V needed somebody sufficiently forceful to uphold Catalan commercial interests in the far eastern corners of the Mediterranean Sea. A royal wedding was the result. Firstly, between Emperor Yeshaq and Joana d’Urgell and secondly between the heir Don Pedro and an Abyssinian princess.

Taitu wishes to rekindle that love, so that Barcelona may feel some of Ethiopia’s warmth and, hopefully, so that a visit to Taitu will encourage you to visit our country.

Desde de Taitu, ens proposem revifar aquella flama, que Barcelona senti el caliu d’Etiòpia i, desitgem, que una visita a Taitu us animi a tots a visitar el país.

Traditional cooking

In Taitu we go for the real deal, so we cook slowly and with care. It is not a choice, but a necessity: we celebrate Ethiopian food and we known that it requires patience and attentiveness.

Flavours only mix properly in due time, giving way to more complex combinations which are mixed with fresh saladas and mild dishes.

Our team

Love brought us here. The love of parents, siblings and partners. We now call Barcelona our home, for it welcomed us with open arms. But of course, who wouldn’t miss the sounds and smells of their home country?

In Taitu we have found the way to share with Barcelona the love we feel for our beloved Ethiopia.

We invite you to live a unique culinary experience.

Make your reservation today and let us make you feel at home, surrounded by a cozy atmosphere and flavors that will transport you to East Africa.

Tuesday to Friday
19:30 to 24:00
Saturday and Sunday
13:00 to 15:30 / 19.30 to 24.00 
Closed monday

Where we are
Nou de la Rambla, 149
08004 Barcelona
Metro L3/L2 Paral·lel

M.696 540 883

© Restaurant Taitu 2023

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